A Run of the Life on Galapagos Islands

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So, you think the life is harsh on you. That you have to find a work, worse, spend the best times of the day (as a matter of fact, of your life) spend at a work environment and pay all those bills…

Surely your life has its difficulties. No denial of that. But the thing is; How many times did you really have to run for your life? Literally, run for your life?

Not giving up on Fernandina…

BBC’s award-winning ‘Planet Earth II’ documentary scenes from Galapagos islands show the hell-of-a-run of a baby iguana from predator racer snakes.

Filmed on Fernandina island in Galapagos during 36 days over a period of two years, this fragment of the documentary beautifully catches the remarkable run of a baby iguana from racer snakes and not giving up, up until the last moment…

Too real?

The film crew caught the scenes so well that, they have been accused of ‘faking it’ by sequencing unrelated scenes together to create the powerful effect this film create. But the producers rejected this and said that they were ‘keeping with the norms of natural history film-making – and absolutely in line with the BBC’s editorial policy guidelines, and was a true representation of animal behavior.”

This documentary won British Bafta awards:


Go Deeper:

BBC’s Planet Earth II website